Create your own design (4×6 in) Carve the design in a linoleum block. Remember, what is carved out of the block will not be printed in the image. Also important to note that your print will be opposite of the block. After you complete the carving, then ink and transfer it onto paper. Experiment with colors and perhaps include multiple colors on your block to get a multi colored print. Make one finished piece to photograph and post on the assignment page of your blog.
Process Portfolio Page and Re creation Image
Find an image online that you absolutely love and try to re create it.(lighting, composition, overall vibe) Why did you choose that image? Include your reasoning and what it would take to achieve the desired results, and put your writing on your process portfolio page. Post your final image on your assignment page, and also on your homepage.
There are certain items that must appear in your journal entries in your process portfolio page:
Title of Image you re created
Entries dated (dates you worked on the images)
Use of artistic vocabulary – IB Art Glossary
All of the images you shot (screenshot)
Camera Settings for your images: ISO, Shutter Speed, Aperture (f/stop)
Screen shots of your image open in Photoshop with the layers showing
Explanation of the steps you used when editing your final photograph
Create your next two slides for your comparative study in Powerpoint. Put your Powerpoint on the IB 2024 Comparative Study channel in Teams. Look on Teams for further information on Comparative Study.
Structure for Comparative Study:
Slide 1 – Intro slide with all three artworks including artist, title, date, and media
Slide 2- Artwork #1: Intro to artwork and Function and purpose
Slide 3 – Artwork #1: Analyze Formal Qualities
Slide 4 – Artwork #1: Evaluate Cultural Significance
Slide 5 – Artwork #2: Intro to artwork and Function and purpose
Slide 6 – Artwork #2: Analyze Formal Qualities
Slide 7 – Artwork #2: Evaluate Cultural Significance
Slide 8 – Artwork #3: Intro to artwork and Function and purpose
Slide 9 – Artwork #3: Analyze Formal Qualities
Slide 10 – Artwork #3: Evaluate Cultural Significance
Slide 11 – Compare the Function and purpose of all 3 artworks
Slide 12 – Compare the Formal Qualities of all 3 artworks
Slide 13 – Compare the Cultural Significance of all 3 artworks
Start a new website using Join the class blog: cauchonphotoclass Create pages on your site. Include some of your photography on your homepage and some in at least one gallery page.
Home/Landing Page (always add new work to your homepage every week.)
Assignment Page (post your photography assignments on this page. You can add a writing assignment page also)
1 to 2 Gallery Pages (ex: Portraits, Black and Write, Photojournalism, Sports, whatever you want to concentrate on)
Comparative Study Page (Post your comparative study notes, where you compare the work of different artists and make connections with your own work)
Process Portfolio-Journal Page (photograph your journal pages and post on this page)
ContactPage (with basic info about yourself including a photograph and email)
2. Photography Basics
For your first post on your assignment page, answer these questions. Write a reflection answering the questions, and then explain the basic concepts of photography to your neighbor in the room.
Why do your need to meter the light to get the right exposure?
What is white balance and why would you need to change it?
What is depth of field and what is the difference between shallow and good?
What are drive modes?
What is exposure compensation?
What is considered a normal focal length lenses?
What is a good focal length zoom lens to use?
What is the difference between a wide angle and telephoto fixed lens?
Create a slide show or video in Adobe Express on PHOTOS THAT INSPIRE YOU. Under each photo you select, explain why this photograph inspires you. Make sure to include the photographer’s name and/or the website where you got the image from. Choose between 15 and 20 photos from online. Post your slideshow in the Inspiration Slide Show Channel on Teams.
* shape, line, form, color, value, texture. space *
First look for an image online for each of the elements of art. Post them as a gallery on your assignment page.
Then go around on campus and photograph for each of the elements of art. Edit them in Adobe Photoshop.
Post your images as a gallery on your assignment page.
SURREALISM (Due Friday, August 30)
Create a surrealistic work of digital art by putting someone or something where it does not belong; juxtaposition. What does juxtaposition mean? Think about a dream or nightmare you would like to portray in your work. Explore some of the history of the surrealism movement in art by researching some of the more famous surreal artists like Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte, Pablo Picasso, Jerry Uelsman and also explore other surrealist artists and photographers online.
You can use Internet images, and your own images to produce this unique surreal work of art. (Remember that IB will not accept the image in your exhibition if you use Internet imagery in your work.) You will create a process portfolio post for this assignment, documenting your thoughts and processes, and describe the concept and idea behind your surrealistic work of digital art. Screenshot your work as you are editing in Photoshop to include in your process portfolio. (put on your Process Portfolio page)
Make a 9×12 or 12×9 200 resolution document in Photoshop and bring in your images, sketches, graphic designs, and Internet images to use as elements in your piece. Practice selecting, masking and refining your selections with the object select tool. Post your surrealism work to your assignment page and also include a work by a surrealist artist who inspires you. Write a short reflection, describing your interpretation and meaning of one of their surrealistic work of art. If you want to showcase your surrealism work of art, also put it on your homepage..
Make a folder in your Desktop called Portfolio Images. Select your best 20-25 images you created either during this class or outside of class time.
Log into Adobe Express with your school credentials. Go to the Presentation tab
Add a title to your portfolio. Add an image to the header and then add introduction text about yourself, your hobbies, and your experiences in photography.
Keep adding your images with the Adobe Express layouts: Design each page to your liking. Put one image per slide, unless you are going for a diptych or triptych.
Write a caption for each photograph, or series of photographs.
End your portfolio with a meaningful quote.
Go to the share button and make sure to publish and update your portfolio often. Post your portfolio on the Teams Channel: FINAL PORTFOLIOS.
New Image of your choice. Ideas:
Photo Cube
Weaving Photos Together
Light Painting
Outdoor Portraits with Fill Flash
Movie Poster of the story of your life
Double Color Exposures (working with channels)
Multiple Exposures with flash and slow shutter speed
Image Projection
Paint an even layer of Mod Podge, Gesso or acrylic paint across the wood or canvas surface.
Place the printed photo face down onto the wood or canvas. …
Allow to dry for 24 hours.
Spray the back of the photo with water or dampen it with a sponge.
Gently start rubbing the wet paper. …
You will begin to see the photo showing through.
Pick one of your favorite images to transfer onto wood.
*To be uploaded to by Monday, April 29.
*Must include another art form besides photography
Create one new work based on the topic Activism in Art with a Process Portfolio. Include your new artwork and your process portfolio in the PowerPoint you made for process portfolios in Teams.
Include Title of your Exhibition, Curatorial Rational, 2 photos of your exhibition, and each photograph with the exhibition text. Lastly include your thoughts on the success of your exhibition and how you felt about displaying and showcasing your art.
2 New Slides of Comparative Study (DUE SUNDAY FEBRUARY 25)
(Include in your Powerpoint on the Teams Channel 2024 IB Student Comparative Study)
1 to 3 New Image for Exhibition (DUE FRIDAY FEBRUARY 23)
-2 New Images for your exhibition on March 29 (put on assignment page)
-8×10 Sign for your Exhibition Use Adobe Express to make your sign, which will go in the middle of your exhibition. Include your name, school, grade and a name for your exhibition. Include any other info you would like to put in your sign. (post on assignment page)
-2 new slides for Comparative Study (include with other slides on the teams channel
IB Student Comparative Study Powerpoints)
Structure for Comparative Study (optional):
Slide 1 – Intro slide with all three artworks including artist, title, date, and media
Slide 2- Artwork #1: Intro to artwork and Function and purpose
Slide 3 – Artwork #1: Analyze Formal Qualities
Slide 4 – Artwork #1: Evaluate Cultural Significance
Slide 5 – Artwork #2: Intro to artwork and Function and purpose
Slide 6 – Artwork #2: Analyze Formal Qualities
Slide 7 – Artwork #2: Evaluate Cultural Significance
Slide 8 – Artwork #3: Intro to artwork and Function and purpose
Slide 9 – Artwork #3: Analyze Formal Qualities
Slide 10 – Artwork #3: Evaluate Cultural Significance
Slide 11 – Compare the Function and purpose of all 3 artworks
Slide 12 – Compare the Formal Qualities of all 3 artworks
Slide 13 – Compare the Cultural Significance of all 3 artworks
Jan, Feb and March:
Finish Comparative Study
Finish Process Portfolio
Create new imagery for exhibition on March 29
Due Friday, Jan 12:
Post 10 images on your assignment page which inspire you, and give you ideas to generate your own work. Tell why you get inspired by the image, who was the photographer, what was the site where you found the image, and how you think the photographer achieved the desired results.
Due Friday, Jan 19: Complete 2 of the 3 projects or come up with your own new creation
Use your screen-print image as the subject in a mixed media design, either on paper or digitally. Create your work in Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Express.
Research the best methods for weaving photographs together. Then, take two photographs and print them out as 8×10 200 dpi. Cut each photograph into 1/4 inch strips. Weave the two photographs together. Tip: Make sure your two photos are varied enough to be able to tell the difference between them: (black and white vs. color, landscape vs. portrait, dark tones vs. light tones)
Practice your light painting skills and include a portrait as a subject in your images. Use the pixel stick and other light sources to achieve a unique effect. Post a few of your best shots to your assignment page and your best image to your homepage.
Create a portfolio folder on your desktop and include your portfolio photographs and collages in that folder. Produce your portfolio using Adobe Express. (Get from your Creative Cloud on your desktop) Publish the link and put the link on the Portfolio channel on Teams.
Photo of screenprint on article of clothing is due on your assignment page on Wed, Dec 6
Make a photo screenprint on a tee shirt or article of clothing with your original image on it. Follow the steps in the screenprinting process to achieve the optimal results.
PERSONAL PROJECT with Detailed Process Portfolio (Due Tuesday, November 14)
Produce a new work for your exhibition in March. You can use any medium (painting, photography, printmaking, digital art, illustration). This is an opportunity for you to indulge in your passion and demonstrate the skills that you have developed. You could create an individual image, diptych, triptych or series.
Make a Process Portfolio Powerpoint and include it on the Teams IB Student Process Portfolio Channel. Include a Process Portfolio slide for this project in your Powerpoint. Also create two more slides for 2 PP’s that you already made.
Assignments due Friday, November 17
Research the screenprinting process online.
-List all the steps in the screenprinting process
-List a few artists who specialize in screenprinting.
-Include a few photographs of the artists screenprinting work
-Include 3 different designs that you would consider screenprinting next week.
Add to your PowerPoint on the Teams Channel: IB Student Comparative Study PowerPoints
Take a photograph of a hand with writing on it. Choose any composition you like, just include the hand or arm with writing on it.
Start a new website using Join the class blog: cauchonphotoclass Create pages on your site. Include some of your photography on your homepage and some in at least one gallery page.
Home/Landing Page (always add new work to your homepage every week.)
Assignments Page (post your photography assignments on this page. You can add a writing assignment page also)
1 to 2 Gallery Pages (ex: Portraits, Black and Write, Photojournalism, Sports, whatever you want to concentrate on)
Comparative Study Page (Post your comparative study where you compare the work of different artists and make connections with your own work)
Process Portfolio-Journal Page (photograph your journal pages and post on this page)
About Me/ContactPage (with basic info about yourself including a photograph and email)
For your first post on your assignment page, answer these questions. Write a reflection answering the questions, and then explain the basic concepts of photography to your neighbor in the room.
What are aperture, shutter speed and ISO?
When would you need to change your ISO?
What is aperture and shutter priority settings?
What are AF modes how do you change them?
Why do your need to meter the light to get the right exposure?
What is the difference between a normal, wide angle and telephoto lens?
What is white balance and why would you need to change it?
What is depth of field and what is the difference between shallow and good?
Create a slide show or video in Adobe Express on IMAGES THAT INSPIRE YOU. Under each image you select, explain why this image inspires you. Make sure to include the artists name and/or the website where you got the image from. Choose between 15 and 20 images from online. Before emailing me your final slide show or video review your presentation with someone in the room who you do not know. Email your slide show to me @ or share it with me via onedrive.
* Take a photograph of:
leading line
First look for an image online for each of the 10 shots you will be photographing. Post them as a gallery on your assignment page.
Then go around on campus and photograph for each of the ten elements of art and composition. Edit your photographs in Adobe Photoshop.
Post your images as a gallery on your assignment page. *Make sure to post the gallery as a media file so viewers can open the photos as a slideshow. *In plug ins on the dashboard, make sure to activate the lightbox.
SURREALISM (Due Wed, Sept 6)
Create a surrealistic work of digital art by putting someone or something where it does not belong; juxtaposition. What does juxtaposition mean? Think about a dream or nightmare you would like to portray in your work. Explore some of the history of the surrealism movement in art by researching some of the more famous surreal artists like Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte, Pablo Picasso, Jerry Uelsman and also explore other surrealist artists and photographers online.
You can use Internet images, and your own images to produce this unique surreal work of art. (Remember that IB will not accept the image in your exhibition if you use Internet imagery in your work.) You will create a process portfolio post for this assignment, documenting your thoughts and processes, and describe the concept and idea behind your surrealistic work of digital art. Screenshot your work as you are editing in Photoshop to include in your process portfolio. (put on your Process Portfolio page)
Make a 9×12 or 12×9 200 resolution document in Photoshop and bring in your images, sketches, graphic designs, and Internet images to use as elements in your piece. Practice selecting, masking and refining your selections with the object select tool. Post your surrealism work to your assignment page and also include a work by a surrealist artist who inspires you. Write a short reflection, describing your interpretation and meaning of one of their surrealistic work of art. If you want to showcase your surrealism work of art, also put it on your homepage..
Cyanotype (Due Friday, September 15)
Make a cyanotype and then photograph it to put on your assignment page.
Artists to Research for Comparative Study (Due Friday, September 15)
On your assignment page, create a list of 10 artists to potentially research for your Comparative Study. Under each artists name, write a short synopsis of the medium they use, describe their style, and give you opinion of their body of work. Look on our teams channel, “Photographers to know” to get some inspiration from these famous photographers.
Find an image online that you absolutely love and try to re create it.(lighting, composition, overall vibe) Why did you choose that image? Include your reasoning and what it would take to achieve the desired results, and put your writing on your process portfolio page. Post your final image on your assignment page, and also on your homepage.
There are certain items that must appear in your journal entries in your process portfolio page:
Title of Image you re created
Entries dated (dates you worked on the images)
Use of artistic vocabulary – IB Art Glossary
All of the images you shot (screenshot)
Camera Settings for your images: ISO, Shutter Speed, Aperture (f/stop)
Screen shots of your image open in Photoshop with the layers showing
Explanation of the steps you used when editing your final photograph
Cut out images from magazines and make a 12×18 collage showing your understanding of good composition. Think of a meaningful or relevant theme to begin your work and cut out imagery which helps to visually convey that theme. When you are done with your collage, photograph it and add a few more elements, details, colors etc, with Photoshop. Then post to your site’s assignment page, and also your home page if you want to showcase your collage work.
Include a brief artist statement under your collage on your assignment page, and explain your theme and what you hope the viewer gets out of it.
Take 50 photographs of the same subject. Vary your compositions, locations, and lighting. Put your photos in a folder in your OneDrive called “Lightroom Editing 50 Photos”. Experiment with Adobe Lightroom tools and presets to practice editing skills in the software. Post 20-24 of the best images as a gallery on your assignment page, and your best images on your homepage.
Assignment due Friday, October 13:
Photograph a part of the body, or something, which shows shape and form. Think about getting great QUALITY OF LIGHT and make your composition a strong one. Edit your photo(s) with Lightroom or Photoshop. Create either a strong single image, or a diptych, triptych or series.
Create a process portfolio slide for this assignment. Include your ideas and intentions, the skills you learned and the processes and materials you experimented with to create the image and develop as an artist. Include your technical information (camera used, camera mode, aperture, shutter speed, ISO and lens mm). Also include screenshots of your work in progress n the software (either Lightroom or Photoshop.
2 Slides Due Friday, October 13:
Begin to work on your Comparative Study. Look on the teams channel Comparative Study Samples to see CS’s completed last year by IB students. Complete slide 1 and 2 of your Comparative Study. Post your PowerPoint on the IB Student Comparative Study channel. Due Friday, Oct 13
This is the visual analysis part, an informed, effective discussion of the formal qualities of art, line, shape, color, etc
B Function and purpose
Why was the work made? What function does it have? An art work can have a purely expressive function or it may have a ceremonial or political or religious, function. Why was it made, what might it mean? For some art works this will be very important, others less so.
C Cultural significance
Where and when was it made, what was happening at the time and place? An informed, appropriate consideration of work within a cultural context: i.e historical, geographical, religious and other relevant contexts.
D Making connections and comparisons
The ability to make logical and coherent comparisons between the works discussed
E Presentation and subject specific language
Using Art Vocabulary and terminology is always important. Balance of text and visuals, an clear, engaging visual presentation is desirable, layout is considered, writing is legible, artists names are spelled correctly, with sources cited.
F Making connection to own art practice
HL students reflect on how the work under consideration impacts, influences or otherwise connects to their own art making. This can be quite revelatory and meaningful for some students.
2 Assignments due Friday, November 3:
BLOCK PRINTING (due Friday, November 3)
Create your own design (5×5) Carve the design in a linoleum block. Remember, what is carved out of the block will not be printed in the image. Also important to note that your print will be opposite of the block. After you complete the carving, then ink and transfer it onto paper. Experiment with colors and perhaps include multiple colors on your block to get a multi colored print. Make one finished piece to photograph and post on the assignment page of your blog.
Add to your PowerPoints on the Teams Channel: IB Student C0mparative Study PowerPoints.
Practice your light painting skills and produce a Keith Haring inspired image. Outline people with finger lights in the dark room and then edit to reduce the sizes and transfer to a document with repetitions. You could also try other ways to create work like Keith Haring by drawing or tracing people making gestures and connecting, or by photographing people and editing with color overlays. Add the Keith Haring touches and post your favorite piece to your assignment page. Also post your favorite Keith Haring image and explain in 5 sentences what you think the work is about and how you feel about it. What do you think he was trying to communicate with his art?
Create a process portfolio post for this assignment. Include your ideas and intentions, the skills you learned and the processes and materials you experimented with to create the image and develop as an artist. How would you present this image at our spring IB Exhibition.
Photograph a part of the body, or something, which shows shape and form. Think about getting great QUALITY OF LIGHT and make your composition a strong one. Edit your photo(s) with Lightroom or Photoshop. Create either a strong single image, or a diptych, triptych or series.
Present your opinion of the work’s success or failure.
What qualities of the work make you feel it is a success or failure?
What criteria can you list to help others judge this work?
Describe how the work makes you think or feel. Support your statement with what in the work leads you to feel those emotion
Create a process portfolio post for this assignment. Include your ideas and intentions, the skills you learned and the processes and materials you experimented with to create the image and develop as an artist. How would you present this image at our spring IB Exhibition.
Create a portfolio folder on your desktop and include you portfolio photographs and collages in that folder. Produce your portfolio using Adobe Express. Use the slideshow or presentation templates in Adobe Express. Add a beginning slide with your name, captions with your images, transitions, and music, and an end slide with a quote you love. Include somewhere between 15 and 20 images in your portfolio. Go to the share button and make sure to publish and update your portfolio often. Post the link to your Portfolio on the PORTFOLIO channel in Teams by FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9.
Use any art form you desire to create a work of art that makes a statement, social or political. Choose an issue you care deeply about, and would want to try and do something about. This issue should be something that is a general issue or concern in society somewhere in the world. Some ideas of things you might be interested in depicting/standing up for or against: pollution/environmental concerns, abortion rights, pro-life, racism, big government, homelessness, religious wars, the war in Ukraine, poverty, verbal abuse, bullying, depression, teen suicide, discrimination, LGBTQ+ rights.
Then, research artists who have made art based on social or political issues. On your process portfolio page, talk about one artist whose work inspires you, and how they communicated the social or political issue that concerned them. Then list at least 5 different ideas for the art you intend to make, how you will communicate your views on the topic, and how you will be creating your work of art. After you brainstorm, discuss your ideas with someone else in the class and when you decide what you will be communicating and how you intend to do that, begin work on your project. Record all steps and processes in your process portfolio, and then post your final project for MAKE A STATEMENT on both your process portfolio page, and also on your assignment page.
(Due in January) The comparative study is an externally examined assessment task worth 20%. To complete the task, you are required to present a comparative study of at least three artworks by at least two different artists from different and contrasting cultural contexts. The work should be selected from work you have investigated as a part of your independent coursework, and will be explored further and presented as a series of screen-based slides.
An introduction to the study should summarize the scope of the investigation from which the focus artworks, objects and artifacts have been selected.
Students should aim for a balance of visual and written content, and use an appropriate means of acknowledging sources. Students must ensure that their work makes effective use of subject-specific language where appropriate.
The Requirements:
15 screens, which examine and compare at least three artworks, objects or artifacts, at least two of which need to be by different artists.
The works selected for comparison and analysis should come from differing cultural contexts.
5 screens, which analyze the extent to which their work and practices have been influenced by the art and artists examined.
A list of sources used.
For each of the selected artworks, objects or artifacts, students are encouraged to:
Focus their analysis and interpretation of works through consideration of:
What role does the artist play
The role of the artwork
Who is/was the audience for the work
The cultural context.
Making connections
Students present their comparisons of the different pieces, clearly identifying links between them. These comparisons might include:
comparing the cultural contexts of the selected pieces
comparing the formal qualities of the selected pieces
comparing the function and purpose of the selected pieces
comparing the material, conceptual and cultural significance of the pieces.
Connecting to own art-making practice
Students reflect on their research outcomes and the extent to which their own art-making practices and pieces have subsequently been influenced by artworks, objects, artifacts and their creators examined in the comparative study. These influences and personal connections, which should be evidenced in both visual and written forms, might include:
cultural context
formal qualities
function and purpose
Materials, conceptual and cultural significance.
When referring to your own artwork and practices, students must be sure to identify and acknowledge their own artworks with the same rigorous attention to detail as with images from other sources.
Students include a list of sources used during the study.
Academic honesty
Every image used within the comparative study must be appropriately referenced to acknowledge the title, artist, date (where this information is known) and the source, following the protocol of the referencing style chosen by the school. When HL students include any images of their own original work, these must also be identified and acknowledged in the same way.
Possible structure (how to put it together)
Summarize the scope of your investigation from which the focus artworks, objects and artifacts have been selected, and any thematic or conceptual framework you have used to draw the investigation together.
1 screen
The artworks, objects or artifacts and their contexts
Summarize your research from a range of different sources and present your inquiry into the identification and interpretation of the selected artworks, objects and artifacts. You also explain how you have applied a range and combination of critical theories and methodologies to the works. Areas of investigation might include:
analysis of the cultural contexts of the selected pieces
identification of the formal qualities of the selected pieces (elements such as shape/form, space, tone, color, line, texture and principles such as balance, rhythm, proportion, emphasis, pattern, variety)
interpretation of the function and purpose of the selected pieces (such as the meanings of motifs, signs and symbols used in the work)
Evaluation of the material, conceptual and cultural significance of the pieces and the cultural contexts in which they were created.
4-7 screens
Making comparisons and connections
MUST HAVE 15 when you finish this section
Present your comparisons of the different pieces, clearly identifying links between them. These comparisons might include:
comparing the cultural contexts of the selected pieces
comparing the formal qualities of the selected pieces
comparing the function and purpose of the selected pieces
Comparing the material, conceptual and cultural significance of the pieces.
MUST HAVE 15 when you finish this section
7-10 screens
MUST HAVE 15 when you finish this section
Connecting to own art-making practice (HL only)
Reflect on your research outcomes and the extent to which your own art-making practices and pieces have subsequently been influenced by artworks, objects, artifacts and their creators examined in the comparative study. These influences and personal connections, which should be evidenced in both visual and written forms, might include:
cultural context
formal qualities
function and purpose
materials, conceptual and cultural significance.
When referring to your own artwork and practices, you must be sure to identify and acknowledge your own artworks with the same rigorous attention to detail as with images from other sources.
5 screens
Include a reference list of sources used during the study. In-text referencing is required throughout the comparative study. Every image used within the comparative study must be appropriately referenced to acknowledge the title, artist, date (where this information is known) and the source, following the protocol of the referencing style chosen by the school.
Word doc
What do I need to do?
Choose art from different cultural contexts that excites you and is relevant to your creative practice.
Discuss with Cauchon and your peers your choices.
Make a formal analysis of these works
Conduct research.
Post meaningful research questions.
Use a range of sources to answer these questions.
Analyse the content and context of the works, that is, their function and meaning.
Compare and Contrast the works.
Present your ideas in a visually pleasing, appropriate and engaging format.
(Due Nov 18) Create a mixed media piece of art using your screen print with other media (paint, ink, photos, collage).
Make a photo screenprint on a tee shirt or article of clothing with your original image on it. Follow the steps in the screenprinting process to achieve the optimal results. Make sure to add to your process portfolio page and list all the steps you went through to produce a graphic on a tee shirt using the screenprinting method.
Photograph for the scavenger hunt and edit your photographs in Lightroom CC.
Go to the Discover tab to browse, and also check out the Tutorials page.
After you edit, make a preset and explore all the presets offered.
Have each member of your team share their edited photos with you via Lightroom, and then post a gallery of all images, captioning each photo with the photographers name.
On your process portfolio page, take photos of your screen while editing the images in Lightroom. Describe some of the presets you used and the editing tools that were adjusted when you were “post processing” your images. Include the technical information for each image you shot and edited under your images on your PP page. (MASIL: Mode, Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO, Lens focal length)
Create your Photo Story or a Themed Based Photo Series consisting of between 5-10 images.
Think about a story idea you would like to document in photographs and words. Photo stories can be either thematic, where they express a topic or an issue, or they can be narrative, where they tell a story, usually in chronological sequence.
Photograph for your story or series idea and edit in Adobe Lightroom to make your photos look great in terms of color and density. Layout and arrange your images using Adobe Express
Log into Adobe Express with your school credentials. Go to the Presentation tab.
Add a title to your story/series. Add an image to the header and then add introduction text about the story or series.
Keep adding your images with the Adobe Express layouts: single photos, photogrids, glideshows and split layouts.
Write a detailed caption for each photograph.
End your story or series with a few sentences about what you would like the viewer to get out of your story. Include a paragraph about yourself, your accomplishments in photography and your future goals.
Go to the share button and make sure to publish and update your photo story/series often. Post the link to your photo story/series on the Teams Channel by Friday, October 21,2022
Process Portfolio Page and Re creation due Wednesday, October 12
Find an image online that you absolutely love and try to re create it.(lighting, composition, overall vibe) Why did you choose that image? Include your reasoning and what it would take to achieve the desired results, and put your writing on your process portfolio page. Post your final image on your assignment page, and also on your homepage.
There are certain items that must appear in your journal entries in your process portfolio page:
Entries dated (the date you worked on them)
Use of artistic vocabulary – IB Art Glossary
Contact Sheets
Camera Settings for your images: ISO, Shutter Speed, Aperture (f/stop)
Screen shots of your images open in Photoshop with the layers showing
Trace or create your own design (4×5) Carve the design in a linoleum block. Remember, what is carved out of the block will not be printed in the image. Also important to note that your print will be opposite of the block. After you complete the carving, then ink and transfer it onto paper. Experiment with colors and perhaps include multiple colors on your block to get a multi colored print. Make one finished piece to photograph and post on the assignment page of your blog.
SURREALISM (Due Wednesday, September 14)
Create a surrealistic work of digital art by putting someone or something where it does not belong; juxtaposition. What does juxtaposition mean? Think about a dream or nightmare you would like to portray in your work. Explore some of the history of the surrealism movement in art by researching some of the more famous surreal artists like Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte, Pablo Picasso, Jerry Uelsman and also explore other surrealist artists and photographers online.
Conceptual your ideas and draw them out in your sketchbook. You can use Internet images, and your own images to produce this unique surreal work of art.
Make a 11×14 or 14×11 200 resolution document in Photoshop and bring in your images, sketches, graphic designs, and Internet images to use as elements in your piece. Practice selecting, masking and refining your selections with the object select tool. Post your surrealism work to your assignment page and also include a work by a surrealist artist who inspires you. Write a short reflection, critiquing their surrealism, and also describe your concept and idea behind your surrealistic work of digital art. Post your surrealism to your homepage as a large image.
Find an image online that you absolutely love and try to re create it.(lighting, composition, overall vibe) Why did you choose that image? Include your reasoning as a caption when adding your images to your assignment page. And answer this question:
This photograph inspires me to________and I want to learn more about how to ____________.
Read these links on how to get good composition in photography and after you read through the article, pick three compositional techniques to shoot for. Edit your photos in Photoshop and post the three photos to your assignment page.
Why do you think composition is important in photography?
What draws you in when looking at photography and art?
Have you been to any museums and where? Did you get inspiration to create art while viewing the work on exhibit?
Photographer Study Presentation (Due Tue, Sept 6)
Pick a photographer whose work makes you want to create amazing photographs. Create a presentation with Adobe Express about your photographer. You will show this presentation to the class. Save your presentation link to the photographers channel on Teams, and also save as a pdf to include the presentation on your comparative study page of your website. On your presentation about the photographer you chose, make sure to include a brief synopsis about the photographer, their history and background, influences, and the type of work they create and your opinion of their work. Include some of their photographs which you admire.
Use the projector attached to the teachers computer to project an image or text onto a person. Think about the statement you want to convey and relate your message to a social issue which is important to you.
Start a new website using Join the class blog: cauchonphotoclass Create pages on your site. Include some of your photography on your homepage and some in at least one gallery page.
Home/Landing Page (always add new work to your homepage every week.)
Assignments Page (post your photography assignments on this page. You can add a writing assignment page also)
1 to 2 Gallery Pages (ex: Portraits, Black and Write, Photojournalism, Sports, whatever you want to concentrate on)
Comparative Study Page (Post your comparative study where you compare the work of different artists and make connections with your own work)
Process Portfolio-Journal Page (photograph your journal pages and post on this page)
ContactPage (with basic info about yourself including a photograph and email)
Read this online article and for your first post on your assignment page, answer these questions (click on the word article to get to link). Write a reflection answering the questions, and then explain the basic concepts of photography to your neighbor in the room.
What are aperture, shutter speed and ISO?
When would you need to change your ISO?
What is aperture and shutter priority settings?
What are AF modes how do you change them?
Why do your need to meter the light to get the right exposure?
What is white balance and why would you need to change it?
What is depth of field and what is the difference between shallow and good?
What are drive modes and metering modes?
What is exposure compensation?
Create a slide show or video in Adobe Express on PHOTOS THAT INSPIRE YOU. Under each photo you select, explain why this photograph inspires you. Make sure to include the photographer’s name and/or the website where you got the image from. Choose between 15 and 20 photos from online. Before emailing me your final slide show or video review your presentation with someone in the room who you do not know. Email your slide show to me @
Due Friday, Aug 26
* shape, line, form, color, value, texture. space *
First look for an image online for each of the elements of art. Post them as a gallery on your assignment page.
Then go around on campus and photograph for each of the elements of art. Edit them in Adobe Photoshop.
Post your images as a gallery on your assignment page.