

My favorite teacher by far this year would have to be Mrs. Ahmed. She is nice to me even when she’s mad at the other students. She understands my funniness even when it isn’t even that funny. I like how she try’s to talk like a teenager by saying things like “you feel me. Mrs. Ahmed is usually always smiling and when she not it isn’t because she doesn’t want to its because she is teaching us.
Mrs. Ahmed is a really good math teacher and I learn a lot from her. My teachers before didn’t really care when I had a question or was having trouble with something. But Mrs. Ahmed tries to explain the things that I have trouble with and takes time out of her lesson when one of the students is having trouble. Mrs. Ahmed also helps dumb down things for me because sometimes I don’t understand big terms she says.
Thank you Mrs. Ahmed for being so nice and actually teaching us and answering all my questions as well as for not getting frustrated with me. I’m going to miss you my junior year and it would truly be hard to beat a teacher as good as you.


  1. mkris

    I don’t really know this teacher but she seems really cool. Although I could’ve token this picture way better than you cause I know you did this the last minute. so next time make sure to try harder and take your time – Kristoffer Martinez

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