

  1. ariaselizabeth

    This photo is a great picture, where they captured an action sharp photo. The subject was captured in action. This photo captured a great expression as well as a great pose. This image is sharp indicating that the shutter speed was place high. The background as well as the subject are sharp. Also the background isn’t distracting, making him the focus point. The editing made the image look sharper and not distracting.
    The subject is slightly off center caching the viewer’s eye. The color are vivid making the image more interesting. The lines on the wall create leading lines, drawing the attention to the subject. There is also a shadow within this photo, making the photo have a curious tone. The photographer knew the direction the subject was moving because they were able to capture a sharp image.
    Elizabeth, Ana, Evelyn

  2. stephhhannniiie

    What I like about this picture is how he captured him in the moment. He took the shot right when he was going to jump over the post. His face expression looks like he’s happy. They could have chosen a better background not this one because it kind of looks dirty with all the trash laying around. The editor should of not have of added too much contrast because it makes the object look to orange.
    The photographer should have had photographed him from the front not the side. The subject should have looked at the camera while jumping. The editing of the background is also a little pail could’ve used more color.
    Stephanie Trejo and Alexis Medina

  3. 13thwitness

    This photo is a good picture. They captured the picture at the right moment and they also did a good job on editing. This image is a action sharp. To get him in the air they had to use a fast shutter speed. This face as a good expression on it too. This picture has a good background too it’s not distracting.
    This picture also has good contrast so it catches the viewers eye. They knew where the action was happening so they got him sharp. They did good at editing too. It has plenty of colors. The photographer slanted the camera a little bit. -Cameron -Miriam R

  4. jawdin123

    After discussing the images ,We thought this was a great image overall. He was able to capture the movement at the right moment. The sharpness was excellent, there is no blur at all and the editing was good too. The only thing that could have been better is not have so much white, it kind od doesn’t look that good with it. I Maybe but more color. Looks the same. Also the slant. Makes it look different then straight.
    Maybe if he was facing the person while this was happening. But this picture was well take.
    Evelyn N. Jordan R.

  5. officialxela

    This photo was taken very precisely. The sharpness in this photo is excellent, almost no blur in the image & very simple editing. You have some shadow in the image & terrific lighting. There are very little distractions I the background which is very great because it doesn’t take the eyes of the subject. We think that they could maybe brighten the image up a bit but other then that, it was well taken.
    Alex O. Moises C. Naty S.

  6. deeponce100

    I really like this picture, it shows a great motion shot. it captures his expression very well. I can tell that he was jumping over the post when they took this. it doesn’t look like he was holding the post but that he was actually jumping over.
    ~dee and esperanza

  7. diego71

    Diego A Per 6
    The camera caught the action quick and the subject as well as the background came out sharp and the editing on the picture was great and had good light outside another thing is the expression the subject did when jumping over the post.

  8. adrianajinnks08

    This photo is a really great picture, it was taken right at the moment. The person who took this picture had there shutter speed really high which was good for the action and motion picture. This photo is a great picture, where they captured an action sharp photo. The subject was captured in action. This photo captured a great expression as well as a great pose. The background as well as the subject are sharp. The background isn’t distracting at all which makes the guy in the picture the main subject in the entire photo. When looking at this picture your attention goes all to him because he is in focus and is the center of attention in the photo.

    I think that the person who edited this picture could’ve done a better job with the editing, and should’ve used a different effect and made him look a little better as in his face looks orangey and that’s pretty distracting. A different effect like an instagramy effect would of looked better so he wouldn’t look so orangey and dark, black and white would of been a good color to it to, but other then that this was a great picture captured at a great moment.

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