1. Anonymous

    I like how the subjects face is faced towards his side and not forward. His expression seems to be a serious expression. I like how the lighting is mostly the front his face and the side of the picture is within the shadows. -Leslie Rios-Moreno

  2. xlyssac

    I like how the shadowing is done on this photo, it really captures his facial structure. The expression on his face suits the photo well and makes it more powerful. Overall just a great photo.
    -Alyssa Cardona

  3. asaldana26

    This came out as a good photo since you use a subject who was appealing to the audience. The shadows was a big part to this photo it is amazing. -Aileen Saldana p.3

  4. valsm

    Nice photo like the way he’s facing to the side with the shadowing. This picture gives off some emotion which is very interesting. Amazing picture with amazing lighting. -Valerie Moreno per 2

  5. alanisthiess

    This is a great photo. I really like how it was edited to black and white because it really emphasizes the shadows and subjects face. This photo looks professional. – Alanis Thiess p.3

  6. Lesley

    the shadow on this photo captures the attention. The white makes the picture standout. and the image itself is well edited.- Lesley robles per.3

  7. miamillerx

    I really like this picture because the lighting is great. It makes you think from the look on his face. Plus I love the black and white filter on it, it really gives it the final touch.

  8. annddrreeww8

    The glasses make the subject more creative.
    Mostly how the lightning makes him stand out more .
    In the picture the content is captured and the setting is amazing.-Andrew Roman p.2

  9. jaazcoov

    The black and white contrast really catches attention. I like how there’s a shadow, it draws more attention. Overall it is a nice picture. -Jazmin Covarrubias

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