1. ohhdiana

    this picture is really interesting, all the different babies and the background make the picture really cool. the contrast between the babies and the background also make the image interesting. -Diana olivos p.2

  2. valsm

    Amazing editing love how its different types of babies. Also how there a color that stands out since the background is black and white. Has to be a favorite amazing job. -Valerie Moreno per2

  3. lopez1blanca

    This image is very interesting because it is black and red. The red catches peoples attention easily. The way the babies are arranged is also very interesting.- Blanca Lopez

  4. photoraze

    Love this photo its very fun to see and the babies are perfectly cutted out. The color of the babies caught my attention due to the red being the color that stands out. The background helps to making this photo funny due to bars being a adult place. -Eduardo Blancarte

  5. Jorge

    This photo here stands out basically on its own. The way the babies are colored and the background isn’t, just helps them stand out of everything else. Also how each baby is doing something different than the other is good to stray away from just simple photography.

  6. Noemi

    This is possibly one of the best photos I have ever seen. I love that the landscape is in black and white and that the babies are in a different color. It makes them stand out. I also like how the babies are different sizes.-Noemi Marquez

  7. miamillerx

    I like this picture because the babies really stand out. They’re red with the black and white background which really makes it pop. This photo was well edited and creative. It’s not very often you see red babies in the town of the west all alone.

  8. anddrea

    I like the effect of the different babies are everywhere. The color of them with the black and white background makes it more interesting. It is a funny picture because the babies seem wild. – Andrea Lopez Pd.3

  9. fainting

    this picture is really interesting, all the different babies and the background make the picture really cool. the contrast between the babies and the background also make the image interesting-Jesus ponce p.6

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