

  1. kyannah2003

    I think you did a really nice portrait. I like how you make the background blurry, it makes her stand out. I also like how she is looking to the side. -Kyannah Flores

  2. Noemi

    This photo is one of the best that i have seen on this cite. I love the quality of this photo and it looks very professional. I also like the angle it is positioned at. -Noemi Marquez

  3. mmerlos

    This picture contains really good composition. I like how you angled her to make the picture more interesting. Also very nice touch by using depth of field. – Mariana Merlos

  4. jordant1515

    This photo stands out with good composition. The blurred background and clarity of the subject really help highlight the subject. The colors and shines also look very nice. -Jordan Thompson

  5. annddrreeww8

    The glasses make the subject more creative.
    Mostly how the lightning makes him stand out more .
    In the picture the content is captured and the setting is amazing.-Andrew Roman p.2

  6. jazmine1002

    I really like the how the background is all blurred. I also like how the camera is just focused on her and not anything else in the photo. The colors also stand out clear and bright. – Jazmine Duarte p6

  7. lopez1blanca

    This image has very nice lighting. The blurry background gives her all the attention. The way the hair is kind of blowing back makes the image look like it was taken at an exact moment. – Blanca Villalobos

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