

  1. palomasarai

    Vanessa Salas, Ariess Romero, Paloma Aguirre Period: 3

    We like this picture because it captures a really good action shot and it looks like he is being choked from far away. The contrast of the blacks and whites really define the details. Although we believe that the picture would look better in color. We like how the photographer got the student in midair getting a great photo shot.
    We also like how the background stands out. It looks like it has a fading point. It also gives of a sense of humor. You can tell that they had fun with it. Trying to get us the viewers to enjoy the picture and use our imagination to what was going on when they captured the moment.

  2. serickr

    Erick Suarez, Joshua Durham
    I liked this picture because it captured the moment and it shows good action, it looks like he is floating from far way. I believe that the background looks kind of too blurry.

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